Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I am a student who is studying in UK on a student visa, will i be able to travel to paris on a vacation?

I am a student doing my post graduation in newcastle on a student visa . I wish to go on a two day vacation to PARIS . Do i need to get a separate visa for it? Will i be permitted to go on my student visa?

I am a student who is studying in UK on a student visa, will i be able to travel to paris on a vacation?
my cousin had similar aualification,he wanted to go to paris and they didnt accept hid student visa,you should have seprate visa

your friend requires to apply for a Schengen visa to travel to France. as the UK doesn't belong to the Schengen area.

use this link and contact the embassy located in the United Kingdom

Reply:it depends where your actually from?

I think its likely that you willl need a french visa to go there but i'm not sure

i think that if you do have to stay in the UK there is still penty of stuff to do
Reply:your student visa will not get you into another country

check to see if you need a visa for france,it depends on what country isssued your passport


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