I teach 2nd grade and I have one klepto student who steals everything they can get their hands on. She's taken money from several students, all kinds of random things out of the classroom (some of them rather expensive), I'm at my wits end. Her mother could care less (this student is quite adept at snagging things and probably learned some skills from home), and the most my boss (the principal) can do is a few day suspension which isn't solving the problem. I've tried punishment, bribery, threats, nothing works with this kid. I'm out of ideas. Any thoughts?
My student won't stop stealing from the classroom!?
Notify the parent of this student and the unhelpful administration that since they continue to refuse to assist in any meaningful way, that you are going to notify the parents of the victim and let them complain. As absurd as it seems, parents can get more done by gripping to elected officials than teachers can with polite requests.
Finally, the next time, call the school resource officer and file charges. Sounds stupid but if people want to play by the rules instead of do whats right and intervene properly, then play by the rules and start building her criminal record. Child services could help as well. Don't let it continue if you can help it. Between 7 to 11 is the last stage in life to change core behavior, after that all that can be done is manipulation.
Great job, don't give up.
Reply:just dont react for a few days . lets see what she say or does .
then ask her lovingly what is her intention behind stealing.
Reply:Sorry to hear that, unfortunatley there are things that may be affecting this child psychological. Is there a school counselor that can help in the situation. Its hard when the parent has no regards to the situation. Since it seems like you have limited resources, I will tell you a few things I would do
1. Speak to the child, tell them a story or something about a child that you know that had problems and one day they told you and you helped them with out getting that child in trouble. sometimes kids want to talk but afraid of what may happen to them or someone they love. Try that reverse psychology that people say work.
2. Speak to the parent again, try to make the parent understand that you are willing to help. Not that its a problem, but like its something that you dont want to get out of control in the future. Explain good things about the student and how worried you are for there safety, Parents love to hear good things about there child.
3. See if your state have private couselors that can come to your school.
Its so sad that children have so much to go through because of unfit parents/ families. But with good teachers like yourself that stays in that position of helping kids beyond education and books students like them will excel in the future and will never forget what you do for them (even if you dont think there not listenning)
Good Luck, and try to stay calm!
You wouldn't want to scare a child with a cop. It seems like she has a probably have a temporary problem due to depression or some family issues. The idea about God is good, simply pray on the issue not only for that child but for all your children in class. I am sure there are going through some things too, even if they are not showing it.
Reply:You will probably never use my idea simply because I can tell you aren't Christian due to the fact that you stated that you have threatened a child: pray. God can fix ANYTHING, and it's a lot easier to drop your load on God than to drop it on people, because God can also understand ANYTHING!
Perhaps it would have been better to have specifically said that, as opposed to just leaving it unreduced.
Reply:I had a kid like that in my troop when I was a Girl Scout leader. Fortunately, we saw her take the stuff. I addressed it as a teaching moment. Have you tried rewarding her on weeks nothing comes up messing? You could have her mama be required to spend a day sitting in a chair next to her daughter. That proves to the child that the parent is on board with the teacher. I also taught school and had to use that on my 6th grade boys. (It kind of punishes the parent for not being able to control the child.) Either way...I enjoyed watching the child hate having mommy visit school. My next move would to have the principal sit by her.
BTW, the little Girl Scout finally married a guy who was in a cult. He and his church members went to a bad check writing binge. I had three of them arrested at the grocery store where I work at now. Funny how her "ways" followed her. So there may not be anything you can do to reform her!
Reply:Just hide away what is precious to her to make her understand it may hurt the other children when she takes their things. as per the info given, it looks that the parents are not discouraging her, so there is no point in discussing with them. you can just call the police and ask them to tell about the law.
The fear of God sometimes helps.
Reply:Sorry to hear of this problem. Your boss needs to be supportive.Unfortunately unless you get heavy handed such as bringing in a police person to have a chat with the mother and child and give them a stern warning about the consenquences of stealing then I cannot see what else you can do.Stealing at our school is a serious issue. I am trying hard not to be judgemental but that is the only solution I can see.
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