Why is it soo hard to get a student loan for room and board and other things that are needed to go to school. Do people relize that a lot of these students are on there own. Does anyone have an advice how to get a student loan, without a co-signer. I have little credit, but its not bad credit.
Why are student loans so hard to get?
Under your circumstance,I suggest here for you to have a visit.http://studentloan.online-helpers.info/c...
Reply:Student loans are not hard to get, anyone can get them and you don't have to pass a credit check or have a cosigner. You apply at www.fafsa.ed.gov
Here is a good publication about federal student loans. Including the interest rates and the types of the loans.
Reply:When I was in highschool, my GPA sucked and I had no problem getting an unsubsidized Stafford Loan. Basically thats a loan from the Federal government where you pay interest like any other loan but specifically for students. Not sure if my parents had anything to do with me getting the loan or not though. It covered my tuition and I think I had like $1000 left over each semester
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