when you enlist and you are talking to the recruiter, when you choose a job, do all the jobs come with the student loan repayment program, or only certain jobs? I know that i have to get everything in writing, I really want the 15q air traffic controller job, I have all the credential that i need i just really want the student loan repayment. also, If they dont give me the job i want, should i hold out until i have both the job and student loan repayment program, or will they just laugh and send me to the house? if you have any knowledge of this please let me know. if you have experienced anything like this let me know.
Army student loan repayment program?
Most incentive programs are given for high stress jobs where they cannot maintain people in those positions or recruit.
Do NOT let them tell you what you want! Only accept what you want, or look at another branch. I am pro-military, but if you allow...you will be taken advantage of. They have a certain quota to fill, just as in any other sales job.
Be willing to put your life on the line and sacrifice an easy civilian life...for a job that YOU want.
Reply:Well, I know that your AVSAB score if what qualifies you for your job of choice. As far as the student loan repayment, if you DO qualify for it, then it will be a piece of paper that you will sign. ask him which paper it is!!!! There's going to be a million papers flying in front of you with "sign here, sign there" . If you are getting a bonus, it will be written or typed on there, too! It is every important to READ the bonus and your student repayment papers carefully. Take your time and don't rush by signing whats in front of you. Most importantly, don;t lose those papers. You wiill have to show proof when you start to get everything together at your unit.
tooth fairy
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