Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Im a college student, and have an issue with my school. Is there anyone who can help with the discrimination?

I am a culinary college student who has passed 6 courses in my field of study. The issue I have is an important one. and here it is, "At my school, students are not allowed to grow beards, or goatees, and must be clean shave"

I completely agree with this rule, and do not have any issues with that. However, there are no rules stating we can not grow a mustache. Well, over the holiday break, I thought I would grow a mustache, to try it out. One of the instructors came upto me and told me I had to shave it off. There are more than a handful of students at my school who are allowed to grow a mustache, and they get no problem about it.

Why is it that I would have to shave off mine, when others do not have to?One more issue, related that I have is this:

If the instructor would have just simply come upto me, in private, and asked me to shave, I would be more than happy to respect their wishes.The instructor, decided to make some inappropriate remarks with students infront of me.

Im a college student, and have an issue with my school. Is there anyone who can help with the discrimination?
Start with the chair of your department. If that doesn't solve anything, or there is no chair to your department, then go speak to the Dean of your school. After that would be the President of the school, whoever is in charge of running it.
Reply:Sorry - but a mustache falls under "must be clean shaven"

I just want to put this into perspective for you -- if they had asked in private you would have shaved it but because you were shamed, you are going to cause a huge stink - publically - by c/o of discriminatation and label yourself as a trouble-maker. ALL FOR A MUSTACHE.

Really, consider the consequences of your action, if you would have been willing to shave it then just shave it. You don't know why the other students have been allowed to keep it - are they in a different program, is it a religious/ethnic reason?????

I know everyone is going to tell you to complain but is this really the issue you want to take a stand with. It seems somewhat minor - again especially if you would have been happy to shave it.
Reply:Look up the process that is required to file a grievance. I am sure you have to talk to the instructor in private (regardless of how insensitive they were). If this does not resolve the problem go to the department chair and so on. good luck, although I really would not like any chef with facial hair or long hair...sorry.

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