Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pre-med student looking to transfer...to where?

I am going to be a second year pre-med student. I am going to finish this year and get a good foundation in chemistry and physics, but am looking to transfer after this year to a better academic environment.

I realize motivation for a dream should come from within, but at times I really wonder if I can stick it out at the school I am currently attending (Central Michigan University).

I am looking for a small school where the majority, or simply a large portion, of students are pre-med/biology. I've heard many stories about smaller schools and was wondering on others' opinions.

Does anyone know of a small school where students are often accepted into medical school??

It could be anywhere in the U.S. Cost is not an issue.

Just looking for some options, thanks in advance for the help!!

Pre-med student looking to transfer...to where?
I went to Benedictine University in Lisle IL, a small liberal arts college that has lots of pre med students. The one issue you need to consider in transferring to a small school is that you are starting fresh with new faculty and they won't have much time to get to know you before having to write letters of recommendation for you, which can be a critical factor in getting interviews at med schools. Being premed is tough and it isn't for everyone. If you are having alot of problems now, you might want to consider if your environment is really the problem or if it is something else. I work with a woman who got into med school, put off entering for a year and then decided not to go because it wasn't what she wanted. Just make sure that this is what you want to do for the rest of your life.
Reply:Vanderbilt Hospital/College? Not exactly small, but they ROCK!!! Nashville TN. I love that place, they saved my daughter's life!
Reply:Try California State Univerisity schools. They are great and are more cheaper than the University of California schools.
Reply:You should be able to do some sort of search online for good pre-med/biology schools...I went to the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University in Collegeville, MN for a year, I was a nursing major...I'm transferring schools this year because I didnt like it there but I know people who love it there...it is a small school...the website is http://www.csbsju.edu if you want to check it out...You'd technically be going to SJU because you're a guy but you will have some classes on the CSB campus but the majority of them will most likely be on the SJU campus because thats where all the bio classrooms/labs are...

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